
Growing up in a Pakistani family and living in London & Sweden, I was exposed to a variety of different cultures, languages & music. My mother's roots in the Seychelles added another layer of diversity to my upbringing. As I travelled around the world, I became inspired by the different scents & surroundings that each place had to offer. I realized that scents and nature can transport you to another place and time, evoking memories and emotions that are unique to each individual.

As a mother of three, I enjoyed moments of creativity, nature, and the soothing scents of home, leading to rediscover the importance of holistic wellbeing amidst the demands of motherhood.

Drawing from my journey, I founded Petite & Vert's wellbeing workshops, aiming to reconnect participants with the healing qualities of nature and creative expression. By integrating nature and artistic endeavors, Petite & Vert cultivates environments that nurture inner peace and outer creativity, encouraging individuals to prioritize self-care, creativity, and the restorative influence of nature.